
Regardless of the kind of firewood you purchase, you will undoubtedly want it to offer exceptional heat and burn for as long as possible.
Some types of firewood are very popular here in the United Kingdom, such as ash firewood, oak and birch logs.

In this article, you’ll discuss the different varieties of logs and which ones are popular in the United Kingdom for use as a solid fuel to help heat your home.


Ash firewood

You might think all firewood is the same if you recently bought a log burner? That all logs does the same job in terms of burning and generating heat.

However, homeowners who have owned a wood-burning stove or had an open fire for many consecutive years often find a type of firewood that they like the most. This means different firewood offers different qualities; some can produce a slow and rather dull burn, but it burns for much longer. However, the all-rounder, one of the most popular type of firewood, is ash firewood simply because it offers brilliant and bright heat generated over a sustained period.

Another great quality of Ash firewood is that it often leaves minimal residue once burnt. The heat that it produces is so bright, it’s so intensely hot, that you may find that in the bottom of your wood-burning stove, in the ash collection tray, that when burning ash there is very little ash because of the huge amounts of heat this firewood generates.

This type of firewood, because it burns intensely and hot, produces fantastic heat when used in wood-burning stoves and open fireplaces.


Oak firewood, another great option

Even if you don’t know what oak firewood looks like, you will feel the difference as you pick up the log in your hands. This is because Oak is much denser and heavier than some other types of firewood.


Benefits of burning oak firewood

The benefit of oak firewood is that it can burn for a long time, which many people like. If you were to burn other types of firewood, you may need to opening the door on a wood-burning stove and add more firewood to keep the fire burning.

However, the main benefit of oak firewood is that it’s very dense timber and burns for a long time.

Therefore, you don’t need to add logs directly to your wood-burning stove as often, when your burning oak logs, because it burns for a long period. Whether you’re busy in the kitchen or working on your laptop, therefore you don’t need to check on wood-burning stove as often to see if another log needs to be added.


Birch firewood

Many people like birch firewood because it burns brightly and intensely, producing a great heat.

Birch firewood is well-suited to for burning in a log burner. It is ideally suited for solid fuel burning within your home because it produces a very abundant and bright flame. Many people also comment that it’s straightforward to ignite; therefore, you can ignite this type of wood with just a few firelighters and in a short period of time.


Delivery to your home

When you look at many Christmas cards delivered at this time of year, often featured on the Christmas cards is an open roaring fire.
Therefore, many people like to enjoy an open fire during November and December. Our firewood can therefore create a great atmosphere and makes the house feel nice and cosy.

We could deliver our firewood to your home, we can tip our logs off onto your driveway or perhaps at the rear of the property near the garage. Therefore, give us a ring if you want high-quality logs delivered to your home before Christmas.

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