We know precisely how you feel at this time of year; it’s bitter-freezing outside and everything covered in a thick layer of frost. Therefore, many homeowners have no choice but to crank up the heating, and as a result, then watch their energy consumption increase, and so does their monthly energy bill!

However, many homeowners are now switching to solid fuels such as quality logs and manufactured coal to help heat them homes.

Therefore, many homeowners now use a combination of central heating and wood-burning stoves.

This provides cosy and comfortable heat and we here at Forestry Firewood can work to significantly reduce your energy bills.

In this article, we will explain how our logs/ firewood can help you heat your hoem affordably so that you don’t fear the monthly energy bill as much!

We can deliver a large quantity of firewood all in one go


Many homeowners in South Wales have found relief when they have found they can heat their homes at an affordable price using our logs. By having a substantial amount of logs delivered at once, they can rest assured that they won’t run out of fuel during the cold season.

Many homeowners therefore have chosen to store our logs in say their spare garage, shed, or perhaps dedicated log store they had built.

One of the great things about purchasing firewood, is you can always get a sense of how much logs you have and plan if you have enough to cover you during the cold weather.

This allows you to plan and budget your log usage over the winter, helping you to manage your energy costs effectively. By using our high-quality logs, you can offset your energy bill and enjoy a warm and cosy home.

Quality kiln-dried logs


The quality of logs can vary in terms of heat output. Some logs can produce a smoky, rather dull burn, producing excessive amounts of soot damaging what are often expensive stoves that most people have.

However, our logs are entirely different. We produce high-performance logs, and we make considerable efforts to ensure that they are dried so that the moisture content is substantially reduced.

This produces high-performance logs for our customers in Cardiff and also the Newport areas. Even a single log placed on the fire, you will instantly start to feel the wamth. This is because our logs are high-performance logs.

When you buy from other firewood suppliers, the logs might not be dried enough, resulting in less heat output.

Don’t fear that monthly energy bill, call us, burn our logs instead

We are all going through a cost-of-living crisis at the moment. Nearly everything that we go to purchase has increased in cost.

Therefore, it is imperative to start thinking about ways to offset your living costs. One way is to buy a large quantity of logs from us.

This is why so many people in Cardiff and surrounding areas contact us to have our high-performance logs delivered to their homes.

Still taking bookings now before Christmas

If you would like a large quantity of logs delivered to the house before Christmas, why not give our company a call today?



Regardless of the kind of firewood you purchase, you will undoubtedly want it to offer exceptional heat and burn for as long as possible.
Some types of firewood are very popular here in the United Kingdom, such as ash firewood, oak and birch logs.

In this article, you’ll discuss the different varieties of logs and which ones are popular in the United Kingdom for use as a solid fuel to help heat your home.


Ash firewood

You might think all firewood is the same if you recently bought a log burner? That all logs does the same job in terms of burning and generating heat.

However, homeowners who have owned a wood-burning stove or had an open fire for many consecutive years often find a type of firewood that they like the most. This means different firewood offers different qualities; some can produce a slow and rather dull burn, but it burns for much longer. However, the all-rounder, one of the most popular type of firewood, is ash firewood simply because it offers brilliant and bright heat generated over a sustained period.

Another great quality of Ash firewood is that it often leaves minimal residue once burnt. The heat that it produces is so bright, it’s so intensely hot, that you may find that in the bottom of your wood-burning stove, in the ash collection tray, that when burning ash there is very little ash because of the huge amounts of heat this firewood generates.

This type of firewood, because it burns intensely and hot, produces fantastic heat when used in wood-burning stoves and open fireplaces.


Oak firewood, another great option

Even if you don’t know what oak firewood looks like, you will feel the difference as you pick up the log in your hands. This is because Oak is much denser and heavier than some other types of firewood.


Benefits of burning oak firewood

The benefit of oak firewood is that it can burn for a long time, which many people like. If you were to burn other types of firewood, you may need to opening the door on a wood-burning stove and add more firewood to keep the fire burning.

However, the main benefit of oak firewood is that it’s very dense timber and burns for a long time.

Therefore, you don’t need to add logs directly to your wood-burning stove as often, when your burning oak logs, because it burns for a long period. Whether you’re busy in the kitchen or working on your laptop, therefore you don’t need to check on wood-burning stove as often to see if another log needs to be added.


Birch firewood

Many people like birch firewood because it burns brightly and intensely, producing a great heat.

Birch firewood is well-suited to for burning in a log burner. It is ideally suited for solid fuel burning within your home because it produces a very abundant and bright flame. Many people also comment that it’s straightforward to ignite; therefore, you can ignite this type of wood with just a few firelighters and in a short period of time.


Delivery to your home

When you look at many Christmas cards delivered at this time of year, often featured on the Christmas cards is an open roaring fire.
Therefore, many people like to enjoy an open fire during November and December. Our firewood can therefore create a great atmosphere and makes the house feel nice and cosy.

We could deliver our firewood to your home, we can tip our logs off onto your driveway or perhaps at the rear of the property near the garage. Therefore, give us a ring if you want high-quality logs delivered to your home before Christmas.



More and more of our customers have started using their wood-burning stoves more often. Due to the recent rise in natural gas prices, our solid fuels are in high demand.

In this article, we are going to explain the benefits of owning a wood-burning stove and using our very high-quality logs to heat your home.


No unforeseen shocks when the energy bill arrives

Some people who don’t have an energy meter, which tells them how much they use per day, maybe somewhat in the dark about how much they have used that month until they enter their meter readings.

Some homeowners can experience a nasty shock when a large energy bill hits them.

Many people use our logs: You can buy an ample amount of our logs upfront, then know how much you have spent, and you can, therefore, budget your use.

Many of our customers comment how affordable it is to heat their homes with our quality logs; many of our customers have large properties, and therefore, using our logs has become essential, as their energy bills may have risen substantially.


Nice atmosphere

Many of our customers like a wood-burning stove, not just because it’s helping to heat the room, but because of the cosy atmosphere a lovely wood-burning stove can generate. It has become fashionable to have a wood-burning stove, and it creates a nice atmosphere in any home.


Amazing heat

Once your wood-burning stove has risen to temperature, the heat a good quality wood-burning stove can generate is incredible.
Some stoves are more energy efficient than others, yet the warmth generated by good quality stoves can be simply incredible.

It helps to heat the room in a short period. This is why we always say to buy good quality, kiln-dried timber that’s ready to burn. The reason is that some people purchase wet wood, and they are disappointed by the generated heat and are annoyed sometimes by how long it takes to ignite the logs.

Wet wood can damage your chimney, the connecting flu as well as also the wood burning stove itself.
Plus, when it takes a homeowner a long time to ignite and too many fire-lighters, many homeowners get annoyed with low-quality firewood.

However, our firewood is better; it’s a high-quality product ready to burn. With some kindling and firelighters, igniting our logs is a piece of cake.


Extra warm home

Some of our customers may use the central heating for, say, a few hours a day, yet then also use this in combination with their wood-burning stove, producing a lovely, hot home.


Ready to burn

Many homeowners are sometimes deterred from buying logs because sometimes they think that wood needs to be aired or stored before it’s burnt. However, with our logs, you don’t need to season them; instead, you can burn our firewood straightaway.

Our logs are, therefore, ready to burn, meaning you don’t have to store our logs in a wood store for a long period. Instead, you burn our wood whenever you are ready to.


Cost-effective way of heating your home

Because of the rise in energy prices, many people are looking for alternative ways to heat their homes rather than solely relying on the central heating system.

This is why we recommend having a wood-burning stove professionally installed, as it can offer a great way to heat your home. We can supply many logs, which are provided at very affordable prices. Here in the U.K., some of the most popular types of logs are Ash firewood and Oak firewood; we can supply both to your home.

Both types of firewood produce a fantastic amount of heat; oak, in particular, burns for an extended period and produces excellent heat. If you would like to arrange for us to deliver our firewood to your home, why not call us? We regularly make deliveries across Cardiff, Newport and the surrounding areas.




The nights are getting much colder, so many homeowners across South Wales now need high-performance firewood to help heat their homes.

With high natural gas prices still high, many homeowners currently depend on solid fuels to heat their homes.

This article explains why we are the company to choose when you need high-performance firewood delivered to your home in Wales.


An ample quantity of logs delivered at a fair price

Do you think firewood is expensive?

Some firewood suppliers are expensive; buying firewood only in small plastic bags can sometimes be expensive way of purchasing your firewood.

However, you could have a large load of logs delivered to your home when you call us. Plus our prices are very affordable.

We can deliver a vast quantity of firewood at once; our high-performance logs mean you will gain a large amount of firewood at a very reasonable price.


What type of logs do you sell?

Many homeowners want two main types of logs delivered in the United Kingdom: oak and ash firewood.

We regularly have many of these types of logs in stock and other firewood varieties of logs as well.


How do you ensure that you are not selling wet firewood?


The firewood needs to be dry before it can be burnt, and as logs will have come from a living tree, the timber is used to sucking up water from the ground for potentially decades.

Now, depending on the variety of timber, it can take a different amount of time for the wood to reduce its water content. One way of reducing the water content of firewood is to dry the firewood by seasoning it, often done in a large corrugated iron barn.

The alternative is the kiln drying the firewood, which means placing the logs in a small enclosed space and blasting the logs with heat for a sustained period of time.


kiln-drying firewood

Therefore, firewood is placed in the kiln, often for many consecutive days, and is subject to scorching temperatures, reducing the moisture content of the logs substantially.

You might see a slight rippling effect or crackling on the side of the logs that have been subjected to very high temperatures and which have been kiln-dried.


Our firewood is kiln-dried and moisture-checked with digital moisture meters to ensure its good quality and ready for shipment to our customers.

This quality control process gives you peace of mind about the firewood you’re purchasing from us in that it’s ready to burn as soon as it’s delivered.


Would you like to place an order with us?

If you want to order with us, why not ring us today?

We can dispatch one of our delivery drivers to deliver high-quality logs to your house.