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Kiln-dried logs for sale near me

  Introduction By a country mile, the most popular type of firewood is kiln-dried firewood simply because the logs are ready to burn immediately. Many homeowners still do not know some of the benefits of burning kiln-dried firewood. Therefore, we thought we would write an FAQ explaining the benefits of this type of firewood.   […]

How to choose the best firewood for you

    Since the spike in natural gas prices, many people have invested in high-quality wood-burning stoves for their homes. However, these customers may have never used solid fuels, such as kiln-dried firewood, to heat their homes before. Therefore, they may not know which firewood is best, what to buy, or what to consider when […]

Why is it considered a bad idea to burn wet wood?

As natural gas prices have been elevated compared to recent years, many homeowners are now using solid fuels. Therefore, if you are offered some logs/firewood for burning, you will want to use them this year to reduce your overall energy bills. However, its most definitely not worth burning wet wood, it can cause damage to […]

Why is it considered a bad idea to burn wet wood?

Introduction As natural gas prices have been elevated compared to recent years, many homeowners are now using solid fuels. Therefore, if you are offered some logs/firewood for burning, you will want to use them this year to reduce your overall energy bills. However, its most definitely not worth burning wet wood, it can cause damage […]

Is your log store well replenished?

  Introduction At the current time of writing, a thick layer of frost covers rooftops and cars in South Wales. Therefore, many homeowners are turning on their central heating longer and more often than they usually would during this cold weather. However, this is accompanied by concern over natural gas prices and the cost of […]

What are the benefits of choosing Eco-firelighters?

  Although Forestry Firewood Ltd. does not currently sell eco-firelighters, we are always interested in innovative products that are better for the environment. Just as our firewood is sourced solely from sustainably managed forests, many eco-lighter manufacturers do the same. For example, on the packaging, look for the FSC logo, as this will tell you […]

How to maximise getting more heat out of your firewood

  Introduction Different types of firewood do burn differently. Therefore, it’s essential to understand what type of logs you are purchasing and how to improve the heat that’s generated from the logs you buy from your firewood supplier. It often comes down to how logs have been seasoned or kiln-dried by the supplier. However, it […]

Benefits of having a wood-burning stove installed

  Introduction More and more of our customers have started using their wood-burning stoves more often. Due to the recent rise in natural gas prices, our solid fuels are in high demand. In this article, we are going to explain the benefits of owning a wood-burning stove and using our very high-quality logs to heat […]