

Newport in South Wales, has many properties which are heated through the use of solid fuels, such as using our kiln-dried logs which we cut and dry here in South Wales.

We can therefore deliver the following:


-Net bags of firewood throughout Newport

-Loose kiln-dried firewood

-Large quantities available


From large stone farmhouses located in areas such as are Rogerstone and in Bassaleg Newport, through to cosy independent pubs which also rely on our quality firewood each month over the winter, we are a well-known business for supplying quality logs.

Our business is located in Newport, South Wales

Our business is located within Newport, this means that we are ideally suited for supplying you with either netted bags of logs or also loose logs. Each of which can be delivered via our delivery vans, we deliver in both Cardiff, as well as Newport.

Delivered when you want

We fully appreciate the fact that not a lot of people have the spare room say in their garden to be seasoning logs over the summer months.

For example, if you have a relatively small garden, you’re not going to want to have logs taking up room within your garden over the summer months. This means, instead of going through the hassle of having to season the logs, instead we can deliver logs which are ready to burn straightaway.

This is why instead a lot of people call us when they need firewood, as outward is kiln dried logs are ready for use in say your open fire or your stove.

You might currently be finding it rather expensive to purchase logs in small net bags from some other suppliers? You might therefore wish to buy a much larger quantity in one go from us in one go?

This means our vans can deliver large quantities of firewood in one go.

All of our firewood / logs are kiln-dried here in Newport, South Wales


We fully appreciate the fact that a lot of people won’t know what “kiln-dried firewood” is, what this type of wood is, is logs that have been through a drying process, in order to greatly reduce the moisture content within the wood. This means wet wood can be transformed into dry wood, that’s ready to burn.

Some people make the mistake of purchasing wet wood, which hasn’t been seasoned, and the wood may not have been kiln-dried, it may have been just chopped up through a chainsaw to size, but is not ready to burn, simply because the wood is too wet.

However even though the logs might be small enough to place in your wood-burning stove, this doesn’t mean if its “wet wood” that its ready for burning, because it might have a very high moisture content, and is therefore referred to as wet wood.

Wet wood should not be burnt

Instead, what you need is logs which have been kiln-dried or seasoned.

Newport quality firewood

Some homeowners are reliant on solid fuels such as logs to heat their homes.

We therefore see much in the way of repeat business from our customers, because once you have had our logs delivered, you will see the high-quality of the logs that we supply.

Ideal for wood-burning stoves

Our logs are used in open fires, wood-burning stoves, and also during the summer in fire pits which some people have in their gardens.


A lot of people have a real fire at Christmas  

A lot of people don’t just have a real wood fire to generate heat, a lot of people say they like the ambience that a real fire creates, in that it can have a more “homely” feel when a real fire is burning in say the living room.

This is why we also see a huge surge in demand around Christmas time, not just because the weather is cold, but because people want a real fire around the holiday period.


To arrange delivery of our logs why not call us?

To arrange delivery of our logs / firewood, anywhere within Newport, why not talk to our team today so we can deliver to you as soon as possible.





In some parts of South Wales we are already seeing icy weather conditions, this means that its at this time a year that a lot of people will be stocking up on their firewood. Many residents throughout Wales call us, as we have a large quantity of kiln-dried logs, which we can deliver to your home.

Some people use our logs as the main way to heat their property, others just like the warm ambience that a real fire can create. This means that we have some customers that want a large quantity delivered throughout the winter, whether some others may just want a few netted bags of logs around Christmas time, whichever quantity of firewood you need, we can offer very competitive prices.

We will now answer some of the frequently asked questions that our business gets asked:


Which areas of Newport do you deliver to?

Newport covers a large area, for example there are areas like Rogerstone in Newport, and also Basaleg that we regularly drop our logs off to on a very regular basis to these areas.

Then we often drive through delivering our logs to the rural parts of Newport as well, we often deliver to many large farmhouses, pubs and also sometimes even other commercial premises which heat their properties with our logs.

What customers often say to us is they like the fact our logs are of a consistent high-quality, so whether you just order a few bags from us in December each year, or you set up an order where we deliver every single week, we will make sure that on every delivery, our kiln-dried firewood is of a reasonable price and always a very high quality.

How do you ensure that your logs / firewood is ready for burning?

Firewood can be dried in different ways, for example, some businesses will season the wood perhaps in dry open barns.  

However, our business is quite different, in the sense that we don’t season our firewood, instead what we do is carry out a “kiln-drying process”. This therefore dries our firewood, by reducing the moisture within the wood, so that our logs are therefore after this process ready for burning. We use our bio-mass heater to dry the wood.

Is your firewood / logs suitable for burning within a wood-burning stoves?

Yes, a lot of our logs are used in open fires, however we would say that the vast majority of the logs that we sell, are used within wood-burning stoves.

Wood-burning stoves have increased in popularity, some homes may even have multiple stoves, for example one large stove in the living room and another stove in say the front room of the house for example.

Some properties therefore will have a large wood store within the garden, and we can supply you a large amount of logs to fill this with.

How do you offload your firewood?

Most of the logs that we sell are loose, this means that we can bring to your property a large quantity of firewood all in one go.

We also own tipper vans, we therefore tip the logs on to say driveway, or sometimes our customers will ask that the logs are dropped off down the back of lane, at the rear of their property for example.

Do you supply commercial businesses with firewood?

Yes, we also supply many businesses which use our logs, or resell the firewood themselves.

We also supply other types of local companies, as well such as many restaurants, pubs and also sometimes companies that heat their premises with our kiln-dried wood.

What areas of Newport do you cover, in terms of offering firewood delivery?

We can deliver to any residential or commercial property in Newport.

You may see our delivery vans frequently in the areas of Rogerstone Newport, however we also deliver throughout the whole of Newport as well.

How can we arrange to purchase your logs?

If you would like our logs delivered to your property, then why not just give us a quick call, we can tell you our next available space that we can deliver to you.

There are a number of different ways to dry logs so that they are ready for burning, one way is the season the timber, and another common way is to “kiln-dry” the wood.

Therefore, a very popular type of firewood that customers want is kiln-dried fire wood, which has been dried so that the moisture content of the logs is greatly reduced.

Here at Forestry Firewood we are excited to say, that we have just invested in running our own biomass boiler, therefore the waste wood can now be used within our furnace. This then generates the heat we need to dry the wood in our kiln.

The furnace is therefore completely powered by our waste wood.

As you can imagine this is a very efficient process, and also allows us to create a superb quality of kiln dried logs. The logs are therefore dried, stored and then can be delivered to our customers.


What exactly is a “biomass boiler”?

Some kilns, used to dry wood can be powered by all different sorts of fuel, some are powered by diesel engines, others by kerosene for example.

What makes our business different is that we get waste product, in the form of wood that we can’t supply to our customers, so instead we can use this now within our biomass boiler within Newport, South Wales.


How does this change how Forestry Firewood kiln-dries their logs?

We can therefore use our biomass boiler, and send the heat generated direct to the kilns, and we are also not reliant on using fossil fuels such as diesel power to heat the kilns. Instead, all of the wood that would have otherwise gone for waste, is collected and then used in the kiln when we are undertaking the drying of our logs.


Where do you deliver your logs to?

Once our logs have been adequately dried in the kiln, our timber is therefore ready for sale.

We have a fleet of delivery vehicles in Newport, which regularly deliver our firewood right throughout the whole of Newport, and also the rest of South Wales.


We need a large quantity of logs delivered, is your business able to deliver large quantities of firewood?

Yes, where some companies only deliver logs in net bags, sometimes what a customer wants is a large quantity of loose logs. We deliver the vast majority of our logs loose, so you may have even seen on of our vans dropping off firewood in your street, in say Cardiff, or in Newport?


Will I have to season the logs once they are delivered?

No, some timber that you purchase, might need seasoning if bought from another company.

Therefore what a lot of people in Newport want instead is to have logs that are ready to burn straightaway, that’s as soon as it gets delivered, that’s exactly what we can offer as a business.

We can deliver the logs, because they’ve been kiln dried in our own biomass boiler, they will have a moisture content massively reduced, so that they are ready for burning.

This means that they can be placed straight into an open fire, a wood-burning stove or perhaps you would like to burn the wood during the spring or summer in say a fire pit?


Are the logs suitable for use in wood-burning stoves?

Yes, the vast majority of the wood that we deliver, our customers tell us that they are going to use this in their wood in wood burning stoves to heat their homes.


How can I arrange for delivery in Newport and in Cardiff?

We are regularly making deliveries throughout the whole of the city of Newport, as well as in Cardiff, if you would like to get quality logs delivered to your house, then why not give us a ring?

We also deliver to businesses as well.