Are you looking to purchase very high-quality firewood here in Wales?

Perhaps you’re looking for a new firewood supplier?

And you want the firewood to be kiln-dried, consistently high quality, and delivered to your door at a time that suits you?

Well, look no further than our business.

We sell quality firewood near you.

This article thoroughly explains why our logs are of such high quality and why so many businesses and the general public buy their logs/ firewood from us.


Firewood/log suppliers near me

Forestry Firewood produces very high-quality, high-performance kiln-dried firewood at our farm in Newport. Our huge kiln can dry and reduce the moisture content of our logs. We bake our logs in the kiln for so long that when they are delivered to you, they are ready to burn straight away.


Ready to burn logs

Our quality firewood, therefore, has had the moisture taken out of the logs, through a long drying process because they are, in effect, baked in a giant kiln for many days.

Therefore, if you are looking for a company that sells logs near you and which sells high-performance kiln-dried firewood, we are most definitely the firewood company to call.


Ready to burn straight away

Often, you don’t want to store logs in your garden to season them for a long time, especially if you have a relatively small garden. That’s because the logs can take up a lot of space in your garden. Your not going to want a huge amount of logs in your garden for a long period.
That’s because storing logs in substantial and gigantic log store takes up a lot of room.

Instead of seasoning the logs, you may want to buy instead “ready-to-burn timber”, our logs can therefore be delivered to your door and used straightaway.


Huge quantities delivered at once

Many people in Great Britain will be shocked when they open their monthly energy bills.

Now, many homeowners are looking to reduce their reliance on their central heating system and perhaps want to heat their homes with solid fuels instead.

If you have a large property, say a five-bedroom detached house, this often requires a lot of heating; therefore, many logs need to be bought.

There are some high-quality wood-burning stoves that efficiently burn logs and extract as much heat as possible from the fuel.

When you combine our logs with a good-quality wood-burning stove, you have a great combination for keeping your house warm.

Therefore, we can deliver a large quantity of kiln-dried firewood straight to your door, tipping a huge quantity onto your driveway with our

Ford Transit tipper.

Then, you will have ample high-performance, ready-to-burn logs on your property ready for you to heat your home.


Logs delivered to your home

We can deliver logs to your house, so if you live in Newport or perhaps Cardiff, we can deliver logs to your home.

We also deliver throughout most of South Wales.





When the weather gets freezing cold, many people start selling logs, whether that be tree surgeons, or somebody that simply owns land and has felled some trees.

Yet sometimes, there are a lot of disappointed buyers, who purchase these logs thinking that they can be burnt straight away, when sometimes they cant.

They may quickly find instead that the wood is rather damp; it’s difficult to ignite, yet once it is ignited, it bellows out a massive amount of smoke out the chimney.

This can cause great annoyance to the neighbours. This type of firewood could also potentially damage your wood-burning stove by clogging it up, damaging the flu and perhaps the chimney lining as well.

Just as you wouldn’t accept a car bellowing smoke out of the back, neither should your chimney. Therefore wet wood shouldn’t be sold, but sometimes, unfortunately, it is.

Therefore, this article will concentrate on the characteristics that make high-quality logs deemed as “high quality”.


Extensive kiln drying process

Just as you may perhaps cook a piece of meat for a long time, to make sure that it’s sufficiently cooked, you might even cut into it or use a prong to check that the beef has been cooked correctly- right?

This is similar to our logs; they get baked in the giant oven known as a kiln. Before their sent out to the customer, a sample is taken out randomly from the kiln, and checked with a moisture meter to ensure the dampness has gone from the wood has gone. Now it’s a high-quality log; because we have baked the logs, the moisture has been removed.

We bake our logs for so long, they may have ripples and cracks on the side when it’s been exposed to a large amount of temperature over a sustained period of time.


Ready to burn

Sometimes when some other suppliers, are selling logs, they may describe the item as simply describing it as logs for sale.

And sometimes the seller might suggest that sometimes the buyer should season the wood themselves, perhaps putting it in the log store for an extended period to dry it.

Many of us do not want this as buyers, instead many of us want to burn the wood straightaway. We don’t want a large amount of firewood occupying our garden’s. this is why people often want kiln dried wood, that be burnt straight away, that’s exactly what we sell.

So, most definitely look forward for firewood sellers, that sell “ready to burn” logs, so you can just pop it into your wood-burning stove, close the door, and enjoy the huge amount of heat that our firewood produces.


Easy to ignite

What you don’t want is to buy a huge amount of firelighters for every time you want to use your log burner.

Quality firelighters are not that cheap to buy, especially if you’re buying an eco-friendly version.
You don’t want to be wasting your time, being next to the wood-burning stove trying to light it, say, 30 minutes at a time!

This could be infuriating, and as you don’t want to waste your time, you might start considering your wood-burning stove as a method of heating your house that is inconvenient and takes up too much of your time, trying to light it.

However, you shouldn’t think this because, with our quality wooden kindling, it’s a piece of cake if you purchase the proper logs from a quality log supplier like us. Our logs can therefore be used to make a fire very quickly.

It, therefore, comes down to care, care in producing firewood which is fantastic quality.


Consistent quality

Just as you want say your favourite cake or chocolate bar to be of a consistent quality, you will want your logs to be of a consistent quality.

However, with some firewood companies, this is not the case. Sometimes, they take on massive orders during say December, and they can’t leave the firewood in the kiln long enough for it dry, so what ends up happening is inferior quality firewood sold to the customer, and it doesn’t burn that hot.


Giant kiln that’s simply massive

We, however, have built a giant kiln in Newport. It’s really impressive, so we can put a huge amount of firewood in it at any one time, allowing us to produce firewood much more efficiently than some of our competitors.

Come to us for excellent customer service and good quality logs

If you want high-quality firewood of a consistent quality, that can be delivered right to your door, and we are most definitely the company to call.


Give us a ring today.

Why not give us a ring today, and we can bring you some fantastic quality firewood directly to your door?