
There is good news for those across South Wales who like to regularly have a fire-pit during the summer or own an outdoor pizza oven. That is we now deliver logs all year around.

You only have to flick open a glossy interior design magazine to see that many people are now spending a lot on having pizza ovens, having fire pits built, and even having hot tubs heat the water by way of solid fuel, such as logs.

This means our delivery teams are extremely busy delivering our high-quality kiln dried wood throughout the entire year.


Which area’s do you deliver to?

  • We deliver most throughout the city of Newport
  • Cardiff
  • Most of South Wales


Our logs / firewood is of superb quality.

When you buy logs from other companies, they might have seasoned the logs in open barn for a very short period of time- pehaps just for a month!

What actually happens is that the timber will then have a high moisture content, and if the barn is kept open, the wood might start to absorb the moisture back into the logs / firewood as well.

This is why so many people come to us at Forestry Firewood, for their logs instead, because what we can do is why dry our logs within a massive kiln that we have built ourselves. Therefore, the moisture is taken out of the logs. You are left with a high-quality product that is ready to burn, and can be easily ignited.

This is important because, over the summer, you don’t want to spend a considerable amount of time trying to get the logs lit within your pizza oven, or your fire pit, that’s why so many homeowners come to us for their firewood, because its been kiln-dried, for such a long time, it requires very little effort to ignite.


Delivering our quality logs right across South Wales

As our company expands, and grows into a larger company, so does the delivery area, and we are now delivering throughout most of South Wales.

So therefore, whether it’s freezing cold day in the middle of December or perhaps a scorching hot day in July, our delivery vans are out busy delivering our high-quality wood right across South Wales.


High-quality firewood

The great thing about using our company is that we can deliver a huge quantity of our logs / firewood to your house in one single delivery.

We can deliver anywhere in South Wales

We can deliver a large amount of kiln-dried wood anywhere in S.Wales, and when you call us, to book the delivery of your firewood, we can tell you about the variety of different logs / firewood that we have in stock right now.

A lot of people like to burn “ash logs” in their wood burning stove. So here at Forestry Firewood Ltd, we always keep a considerable amount of ash firewood, in stock at our warehouse.


Free delivery within a specific area

When you call us, we can sometimes offer the customer free delivery if your home, is not far from our farm.

So why not call us today?

Our team can give you the latest prices, what type of timber / logs we have in stock and when we can deliver it to you.


Would you like logs delivered this summer, 2024?

Therefore, if you’re planning on having your family and friends around for party, and you might want to use your pizza oven or have a fire to your fire pit, for you might want to use solid fuels to heat your hot tub why not call us?

We are a company to call when you need logs / firewood delivered to your house anywhere in the South Wales.





Oak beams are used for many different purposes. This can range from making A-Frame, which is used to support your entire roof of a house, right through to being used as a mantelpiece.

As we all know wood-burning stoves have increased massively in popularity throughout the United Kingdom.

This is partly due to natural gas prices rising quite substantially in recent years, and many people have invested therefore in quality wood-burning stove, to burn solid fuels such as ash logs.

Often therefore the wood burner is a focal point within most living rooms. If you own a nice period property, let’s say a large Victorian house, often the wood-burning stove will be the center of attention within the living room.

Therefore, a lot of people paint the chimney breast a different colour from the rest of the room to make it a feature wall, and then integrate one of our high quality oak beams into the wall.

Our luxury oak beams look amazing in any room, especially when they are within a period property. Our company doesn’t just supply therefore high-quality firewood, such as ash logs, we can also supply very high quality oak beams as well.

Our quality oak beams are often used for a wide variety of different construction uses, but they are commonly used to make a focal point, within say a living room as a mantle piece.


Affordable oak beams

When we think of the word “oak”, we normally think of it as a very high quality and premium product, and also as a very expensive type of timber.

This to a certain extent is true, yet when you look at this page in which we advertise our oak beams, you can see our oak beams are very affordably priced.

This is why many joiners and carpenters come to us every single week to buy our high-quality oak beams, perhaps to make them in to furniture, or perhaps to make a wooden porch using our oak , or indeed to make a mantle piece above a wood-burning stove.


High-quality oak

Our company is renowned for supplying high-quality oak throughout Wales.

Our oak is kept in an open barn so it is nice and dry. We also can supply varying lengths of oak, and sometimes the customer will want and cut to length, and we can do this for them at our business premises using a chain saw.


Large orders are welcome

Let’s say a construction company is constructing some very high-quality executive homes somewhere here in South Wales.

They might employ a joiner to build a set of porches out of oak, they might therefore contact us for us to supply the oak beams so a carpenter can build the wooden porches.


We keep a large number of oak beams in stock at any one time.

When you contact some builder’s merchants, they can supply oak beams yet sometimes you have to wait quite a prolonged period of time before they can be delivered or supplied to the customer.

What makes us different, is that with our oak beams are held in stock, so as soon as you are ready to come down and collect them you can do so.


Why not come down and take a look at our high-quality oak beams?

You might want to take a look at our oak beams before purchasing them?

We have a wide selection available, so you can pick an oak beam that you want to buy. Why not call us today for the latest prices?