
Our business keeps in storage vast quantities of kiln-dried firewood, we also have strict quality control which ensures that we can deliver a high-quality product.

Due to our ability to store vast quantities of logs at our warehouse facility, we are able to deliver to customers throughout the city of Cardiff as well as Newport.   

We supply residential customers, as well as also businesses, such as restaurants that require a regular delivery of firewood to heat their wood-burning stoves within a pub for example.

Our main customer base is for residential customers that want a quality product, they may have a quality wood burning stove, therefore they know that to get the best burn, logs are required which have a low-moisture content and have been correctly stored. This is exactly what Forestry Firewood can offer to all of our customers.

Why should we choose your business to purchase our firewood from?

We have a lot of regular and repeat customers, they return to us every single year for the simple reason because we can offer a consistent supply of quality firewood. We are not therefore like some businesses, which may well be ran by tree surgeons, and only have a limited supply of timber to sell each year.

We are very different, simply because we are a business that is solely focused not on offering services like tree felling, but just on retailing quality logs and firewood to the public and trade.

Do not purchase wet logs

Sometimes there are also businesses which sell firewood at a low-cost, but sometimes the firewood will not be “kiln-dried” or may not be seasoned correctly, therefore this results in the wood being wet, and can damage the wood-burning stove or the chimney lining. This is because excessive amount of soot can build up, which can damage not just the wood burning stove, but also the actual chimney lining as well.

Instead, what is needed is quality, a fire wood company which quality controls all of its operations, to make sure that when we deliver quality firewood to the customer because it has been correctly kiln dried.

It is the correct type of logs that ideal for burning in applications such as wood-burning stoves, fire pits and also in open fires, and this is why so many companies choose us. We offer a delivery service for our firewood throughout Cardiff areas as well as the whole city of Newport in Wales.

Newport and Cardiff firewood delivery

Newport and Cardiff are both large cities, which means that during the winter months, often vast quantities of logs and firewood are needed to power wood-burning stoves right across these areas.

Some companies quickly run out due to only being able to store small amounts of logs at there yard, however our company is completely different, with a large warehouse facility we are able to store our quality firewood and keep is ready for customers when they need it most, which is often during the winter periods. We therefore always have large quantities of firewood in stock.

We need a large quantity of logs delivered, are you able to offer this?

Yes, throughout both cities (Cardiff & Newport) there are some large properties, which are sometimes solely dependent on firewood to heat the properties through large open fires, we can therefore cater to the amount of firewood our customers want, this means for example if you own a large detached house which needs a large amount of firewood, we are able to fulfil such an order.

We sometimes deliver very large quantities of firewood to homes in The Vale of Glamorgan, such as in Cowbridge and also Penarth, that have period homes, detached, which have large wood burning stoves, fire pits in the garden, as well as pizza ovens, open fires in the living rooms, and sometimes wood fired Aga’s as well, as you can imagine, if the homes large, then the homeowner may call us for tons of firewood, and our business is able to deliver due to the vast stock of quality logs we hold in our warehouses in Newport.

Equally there are some independent restaurants and pubs in areas like Caerleon in Newport, which is a Roman town, and these traditional Welsh pubs and restaurants sometimes rely on firewood to be used to heat wood-burning stoves, and also sometimes pizza ovens, we can deliver quality wood to these businesses as well.

What are the advantages of buying “kiln-dried” firewood from us?

Kiln dried firewood, is wood which is brought into our facility in Newport, and dried in a purpose built kiln, for an appropriate length of time, this to bring the moisture content of the wood right-down, to a level where it is acceptable for burning.

Some homeowners incorrectly purchase the wrong type of logs from some other companies, which is not be seasoned or kiln-dried, this can lead to a very smoky burn, meaning that it can cause excessive amounts of smoke to occur in an open fire or indeed in a wood-burning stove.

Will I need to season the firewood at home first before burning it?

No, if you purchase your logs from us, here at Forestry Firewood Ltd, you will not need to season the wood simply because it will be kiln-dried by us first.

This means that it has its moisture content reduced, and is therefore able to be burnt straightaway.

We have a fire pit out our garden, do you deliver during the summer as well?

Fire pits are becoming increasingly common, as well as pizza-ovens, within gardens throughout South Wales.

Fire pits can consume a large amount of firewood, especially if they are regularly used within your garden, we therefore make regular deliveries of quality firewood for use within fire pits during the summer as well.

Why not choose Forestry Firewood Ltd all of your firewood requirements?

If you are therefore looking for a company that can deliver kiln-dried logs and firewood within the city of Cardiff and Newport, in Wales, then why not give our business a ring?

We offer very competitive prices on quality firewood, we regularly make deliveries right throughout both cities.

And we currently have a very high percentage of repeat business, due to the quality of our wood and also the consistency of it.

Therefore, if you are looking for a local firewood company, which can deliver at an affordable price quality firewood for you during the summer and the winter why not give us a ring?



For many people when they think of firewood, it’s sometimes automatically thought that this product is just needed to heat residential properties, for example for use in wood burners or within an open fire.

However, a lot of businesses are now also using firewood also to create a cosy atmosphere say within a restaurant, pub or perhaps even for use within a woodfired pizza business.

For example, more and more people want to taste the authentic pizza, a pizza that has been cooked in a woodfired oven, these businesses are therefore going to need a constant supply of kiln-dried or seasoned logs, that have a low-moisture content.

Equally a lot of people that dine in restaurants, for example that dine outdoors, sometimes these businesses will have a large fire-pit or a large oven to keep some of the guests warm and also create a focal point for diners while enjoying their meals.

These restaurants throughout the Newport areas, as well as in Cardiff South Wales, therefore need a local firewood supplier, this is exactly where Forestry Firewood can help your business, through supplying a consistent supply of quality logs.

Kiln dried firewood

It’s important that you only purchase high-quality firewood, otherwise if you purchase low-quality firewood, such as wet wood to burn, then this can be very difficult to light, it can also damage the chimney or the flu for instance.

For example, wet wood can cause excessive smoke, which can damage chimney linings and flues as well as cause a nuisance in the nearby area because the wet wood can increase the amount of smoke in the air.

Quality is what separates us

We pride ourselves very much on supplying quality, we go to create a lengths to ensure that our products have a low moisture content, are correctly stored, so that we deliver to the customer a quality firewood every single time.

The restaurants

Throughout Cardiff, as well as the city of Newport, there are many restaurants and also pubs that require our firewood.

For example a takeaway business, or perhaps a restaurant which specialises in craft beer and also woodfired pizzas, will require a consistently high quality supply of firewood, that’s exactly what we can supply.


We can supply pubs with firewood, for example within your pub might be a large wood-burning stove, we can supply for your wood-burning stove.

Fire pits

You might have a large fire pit within your outdoor dining area, this might be a focal point for diners, we can therefore supply you with logs that can be used within your fire pit.


Pizza ovens

Pizza ovens are becoming more and more popular to own within people’s gardens, but also for businesses that offer take-away pizzas or for diners which eat in a restaurant. As you can imagine these restaurants can consume large amounts of firewood, and this is what we can supply.

Cosy atmosphere

A lot of our businesses that we supply, comment that they don’t just want the firewood for heat, that’s because it also helps to create a cosy atmosphere that they wish to create within their restaurant, for example in the traditional pub, it can create a welcoming atmosphere for your customers.

Log burners

Log burners are used throughout many pubs, restaurants and also of course within people’s homes, we can supply quality firewood for log burners, that’s whether you run a business that requires firewood or whether you own a property that requires firewood be delivered to.

“We can deliver quality kiln-dried firewood to your doorstep, or your place of business”

We have a modern fleet of vehicles, which allows us to deliver the firewood to your place of business or to your doorstep.

To arrange for a delivery to be made of our quality firewood, then why not give us a ring?

We can deliver in The Vale of Glamorgan areas, also within the city of Cardiff, and also where our business is based which is in Newport.

Avoid purchasing wet wood

You may see a lot of advertisements for wood that either requires you to cut yourself, or a large quantity at a low price, however what you have to ask yourself is, is the wood wet wood?

If it is then it might need seasoning, and we would never advise burning wet wood.

Wet wood can be very difficult burn, can cause excessive smoke, and it can also damage the chimney or your flue, as well as causing nuisance to the neighbouring areas because of the excessive smoke it produces.

We deliver all year round

Sometimes a lot of homeowners and businesses find that some companies only deliver firewood during the winter, however we deliver our firewood right throughout the year including the summer months.


A lot of homeowners now own a wood-burning stove at home, this means that often the homeowner needs a plentiful supply of firewood delivered throughout the winter months.

When you also consider how cold our Welsh winters can get, well, a wood-burning stove can be used right throughout the day in some households. Depending on the size of the stove used, and the room you are heating, sometimes a large amount of wood can be consumed, and this means that some residents across Cardiff and also within the city of Newport Wales, do purchase logs in bulk.

Quality Logs & Firewood

However, with that said, even though large quantities of firewood are often needed, you should always keep in mind the quality of the logs that you are purchasing. Some people purchase firewood from the wrong suppliers, we use the wording “wrong” simply because if the wood is not seasoned, or not kiln-dried, then its possible that the wood is “wet-wood”.

Is the firewood seasoned correctly or is it kiln-dried wood?

Therefore the purpose of this article, is to make you aware that for a good heat, a bright burn, and for the logs to burn as desired, you need a quality supply of firewood that’s either kiln-dried or seasoned, and comes from a supplier that has taken the time to store the wood correctly.

This means for example, if you to purchase wood from the wrong supplier, it might have only been recently cut, for example from a tree surgeon who’s just felled a large number of trees, and what’s the wood cleared- yet you do have to ask yourself, is the wood seasoned? Is the wood kiln-dried? Is it ready to burn?

If its not, then it could be deemed as “wet wood” and there are many people and companies that do sell this wood, yet it is not suitable for burning.

Wet Wood

When somebody who hasn’t had a wood-burning stove for all that long, they may think that all wood is suitable as firewood- however this is not the case. If the wrong wood is used, it can actually damage your stove, chimney and cause a very dull burn. This is not to mention time spent trying to light the fire, as fire-lighters and other kindling will often not work, as often the firewood will simply be too wet.

For example, for a lot of trees which have just been cut down, often they will have a very high moisture content, and therefore need to be seasoned or kiln-dried. Therefore just because wood is advertised as “fire-wood” this doesn’t mean that its not wet wood, it could still have a very high moisture content, and therefore shouldn’t be burned at all.


“Wet wood can be extremely difficult to light, it can also cause excessive smoke, and this can also damage the flue, and is the chimney lining”.

Why you have to be careful about which supplier you choose

Therefore rather than just picking a company which offers the lowest prices, and the greatest quantity, it should instead be about choosing quality firewood,.

So, for those homeowners that believe that all firewood is the same, they would be incorrect, some of the firewood is “wet” and therefore not suitable for burning, and other types of firewood which are quality, will be kiln dried or seasoned for an appropriate length of time, allowing the moisture content to reduce to such a level, often expressed as a percentage using a “moisture meter” , so that it is suitable for burning.

Therefore a quality supplier of firewood, such as Forestry Firewood, will be diligent in their checking of the firewood to make sure that the moisture content is at a suitable level.

Choose quality

It’s not just about the moisture content of the logs, it’s also about quality of the timber, so that the wood simply burns brighter and hotter than other variations of logs, therefore it is worth asking your supplier what types of logs you are purchasing.

Leads to increased smoke

If you do purchase a good quality firewood, then this should burn bright, and as you expect, however if it is wet wood that you buy, it may well cause a very dull burn, you might even hear a hissing noise, and also the smoke that is omitted through the chimney, can sometimes be vast, and cause a nuisance for example to your neighbours.

You may therefore deem purchasing wet wood a total false economy, because you will have to season for such a long period of time, you also have to think of the space the firewood will take up within your property, you may therefore deem it much more economical to purchase a quality firewood from a supplier such as us.

How our business can help you:

We supply top-quality firewood to the trade and also to the public throughout Cardiff, and also Newport, if you are therefore looking for a quality supplier then why not give us a ring today?




A lot of people will automatically presume that firewood is only used required during the autumn and winter months.

For example, when we think of stacks of firewood, we think of the wood placed by a wood burning stoves or a roaring open fire place.

However, with that said, more and more homeowners are now purchasing firewood so that it can be used throughout the summer.  

This does mean that our delivery vehicles are kept busy right throughout the year hauling firewood across Cardiff and also Newport.

This is helping businesses and the public to keep pizza-ovens well stocked, fire pits heated and also we have even come across wood fired hot-tubs that are fired by our quality wood!

Get your firewood ready for this summer…

Perhaps you are having friends or family over soon for a barbecue? If so you might have a large fire-pit that needs our firewood? Then we can help you, if your home is in either Cardiff or within Newport, then we can supply you with top-quality, premium kiln-dried firewood that’s ready to burn.


Across the Internet you will see a great number of advertisements for firewood, however the quality of this wood can vary sometimes vary massively.

For example, tree surgeons might be selling firewood that is sometimes “wet wood”, in that it has not been dried for a sufficient length of time, and then not suitable for burning in applications such as say a wood-burner.

On the other end of the spectrum is the wood that we sell, which is top-quality, that’s because we carefully select the timber and we sell to make sure that it is dried correctly, so that the moisture content is greatly reduced allowing it to burn as desired.

Pizza Ovens

Pizza Ovens are very fashionable at the moment, in that a lot of people want alfresco dining during the summer months.

What better way than to invest in a quality pizza-oven which is fired by our firewood?

Therefore what is needed is a quality firewood, with a low moisture content, which will produce the heat which is needed in order to create the authentic tasty pizza that you want.

This is why we are often asked to deliver our kiln-dried firewood all over the city of Cardiff and in the city of Newport because homeowners recognise that they want a quality kiln-dried firewood.


For a lot of homeowners, during the summer they don’t want to go indoors when the temperature starts to drop in the summers evening, instead a lot of homeowners want to continue dining or socialising with friends, they therefore need firewood in order to feed perhaps their fire pit.

Fire pits are therefore used in many gardens, and sometimes outdoor dining areas at restaurants where the owner wants to create a good ambience for their customers.

We therefore deliver our firewood right across the city of Cardiff to many residential customers, and also many restaurants.

We therefore deliver to many pubs that also require wood for a cosy fire.

Wood-Burning Stoves

Many homeowners prefer to have a traditional wood-burning stove which produces a homely glow when burning.

This is why many homeowners instead come to us, because we can offer a consistent supply of quality firewood for your wood burner.

The Vale of Glamorgan

The Vale of Glamorgan is home to many older properties, therefore these period properties often have sometimes large wood-burning stoves fitted or open fires, we therefore frequently deliver our quality firewood throughout the Vale of Glamorgan areas.


Our business is located in Newport, therefore sometimes customers come to collect there firewood directly from us- yet we can also deliver right throughout Newport as well.


We deliver our firewood to  many homes in Cardiff, South Wales.

Why choose Forestry Firewood Ltd?

We take great pride in delivering a high-quality product, we regularly moisture check our logs, this is to make sure that we are delivering a product which has a low moisture content.

We also carefully pick all of our timber; this is so we only supply a quality grade of timber for burning.

Meta title:

Do you require firewood this summer?

Meta description

Here at Forestry Firewood, we deliver firewood throughout Cardiff, and also Newport during the spring and summer months. Therefore, if you need firewood for your firepit then why not give us a ring?