When you look at Christmas cards at this time of year, normally featured within the picture is all roaring open fire.
Therefore, we think that having a real fire makes a home feel a lot more cozy, warm and simply more festive at this time of year. When you accompany this with a large Christmas tree, then your home is really set to have a brilliant time over the Christmas period.
Yet, to get a real good fire, what you need is high quality logs, that means you either have to have kilndried logs, or logs that have been correctly seasoned. Then you will get the true heat that you would expect from your firewood.
Forestry firewood
Many people within South Wales have purchased their firewood from us, that’s because here at Forestry Firewood our firewood, and it is of an exceptionally good quality.
Therefore, our company supplies both to the trade, so our logs are supplied to many pubs, restaurants and hotels throughout South Wales.
We also supply many households, not just of the winter but also throughout the entire year.
Gas prices
Natural gas has increased substantially in price in 2022 compared to previous years, therefore a lot of people are using our logs as the primary way to heat their homes.
However, our logs are used for many other different purposes as well, for example to heat hot tubs for example, as some hot tubs can be heated through burning firewood.
We also supply our logs, so that they can be burnt in pizza ovens, to heat restaurants, they can also be used as fire pits within your garden to toast your marshmallows on.
Sometimes, some homeowners even have large indoor swimming pools which are heated by our locks.
Delivered to your home
We understand that a lot of homeowners are now buying a lot more logs than they used to. For example, before you might have picked up the odd net bag of logs from your local supermarket.
Therefore, you might have only occasionally used your open fire say perhaps once a week?
However, a lot of people, ever since natural gas has increased in price, have switched to burning solid fuels such as our logs ma fornufactured coal the heat their homes, sometimes these fuels are used right throughout the entire winter.
Therefore, a lot of people want a large amount of our logs delivered all in one go, and that’s exactly what we can offer, because we have a large tipper van. Our large tipper van, can be loaded with a huge quantity of logs, which can be delivered to your home
Sometimes if you own a large property, you might want us to regularly drop off logs to your home, say on a monthly basis for example?
Affordable logs
With the rising gas prices, a lot of people have purchased brand-new wood-burning stoves in order to heat their homes, often homeowners will burn solid fuels, such as quality logs and manufactured coal.
However, a lot of homeowners will realise that the quality of firewood that you purchase can vary massively in quality, from logs which are not correctly seasoned, so don’t burn well at all, and can actually damage the chimney. On the other end of the scale there is our firewood, which is totally different from wet wood, because our logs have been kiln dried and therefore burns brilliantly.
They simply burn brilliantly
When our logs have been burnt, you will see how fine the ash is within your wood-burning stove. This simply shows how hot the logs have burnt, we therefore sell high quality logs which are kilndried so they burn brilliantly.
If you would like to purchase high quality logs for your home, or perhaps you run a business and you want to now burn solid fuels in order to heat your restaurant, hotel, or pub, then we can drop off our quality logs to your business or home.
So whether you would like to make one off purchase from us, or perhaps have your logs delivered a regular basis then Why not call us today to arrange delivery?