
Wet wood is sometimes offered at a low price here in Wales, and sure it might be cut into a size where it would fit into a wood burner.

Yet with that said, wet wood, should never be burnt. The reason for this is all firewood should first go through a kiln-drying process, or be seasoned.

Its also important to know different logs take varying amount of time to season, but the timber should be correctly dried. Wet wood should therefore never be burnt, it can cause considerable damage to your stove, chimney and your flu.

Sometimes people think that all logs can be burnt straightaway, however wet logs shouldn’t be burnt, because as this article explains, it can damage your chimney and wood burner.

Let’s look at five reasons why you shouldn’t burn wet wood

Number one damage to your chimney

Wet wood can damage your chimney, the reason for this is, wet logs can produce excessive amounts of soot, which can lead to damage to your wood-burning stove and also the flu.

Because the wet wood has not been seasoned or kiln-dried, means that once it burns, it will produce a lot of smoke, it will therefore create a lot of soot which can damage your stove.


Number two: You might not be able to ignite wet logs

Wet wood can be so damp that sometimes, that no matter how many firelighters you use, you might not be able to ignite it. This is another reason why not to burn wet wood, because it can produce no heat or a very dull burn.


Number three: Can actually damage your wood-burning stove

A lot of people spend a considerable amount on their wood-burning stoves, that’s because they want to use it for many years to come, therefore as any manufacturer of stoves will tell you, you should never burn wet wood.

Wet wood can actually damage the stove itself.


Reason number four Can produce excessive smoke

Sometimes merely opening the door on your wood-burning stove, when wet wood is being burnt can mean that excessive amounts of smoke can escape.

It can also mean that your neighbours may see a lot of excessive smoke coming out of the chimney.

This is another reason not to use wet wood.


If you plan on seasoning the logs yourself, that is to say you’ve bought wet wood and you want to dry the wood yourself at home, then you have to be aware that it can take a very long time until the firewood is ready to burn.

Different logs will take a different amount of time to dry depending on which type of timber it is.


This is why so many people purchase kiln- dried firewood from us instead.

If you are looking to purchase logs in South Wales, then we offer very high-quality firewood that’s ready to burn.

We can even deliver the logs to you in South Wales.

So why not call us, so we can arrange a convenient time to deliver the logs to you.


If you are looking for a company that can deliver kiln-dried logs, anywhere in South Wales, then you have most definitely come to the right place.

Forestry Firewood has a very strong reputation for delivering quality hardwood and also softwood logs.

Our logs are of a very good quality because they are ready to burn, so don’t need to be seasoned.

We therefore see a lot of repeat business, simply because our customers know that we sell a high quality product, at an affordable price, we can deliver a large quantity of logs to you.

We deliver across South Wales


A lot of our customers tell us, that they simply do not want to purchase their logs in small quantities anymore, what they now need a greater quantity of logs delivered to their home.

This is often because the homeowner has told us, that they have made the switch, from using their central heating less often, and now may well be heating their home more with our logs.

As someone with a log burner will know, when used a lot, the customer will need a lot of logs delivered, on a regular basis, this is exactly what we can offer.

Plus, we are a Welsh business, so we can even deliver to you in South Wales, saving you the work of having to transport the firewood to your house.


We mostly deliver in Newport, as well as in Cardiff, yet, as we have many deliverly vans on the road, we also make frequent deliveries across South Wales.

We offer competitive prices, that’s whether the logs are being collected from us, or you would like us to deliver.

Why purchase your kiln-dried logs / firewood from us?


It’s fair to say that there are a now huge number of companies that can supply you with quality logs, there are quite literally hundreds of businesses based all across the United Kingdom that offer delivery of firewood.

Some companies might well be local, however some companies even deliver firewood via pallet loads, and that company might be based the other end of the country? So, its fair to say, there’s a lot of businesses to pick from.

Our business is based here in Wales, we make deliveries throughout the areas of Newport, Cardiff and also the Valleys. Our company always has a large number of sales, the reason is, we offer very competitive prices, that’s on the logs, plus, we aim to make our delivery costs as reasonable as we can.

Good heat

Our logs produce a brilliant heat, so that when they are put in your log burner or an open fire, our customers will see, they have purchased a top-quality product.

Our wood is “kiln-dried”-which means you do not need to season the wood.

As a company, we would never recommend, no matter how cheap the logs are, to purchase wet wood.

Wet wood, is logs that haven’t been seasoned for a long enough period, or are not kiln-dried, the reason we would never recommend burning such firewood is simple, it can actually cause damage to the chimney and the wood burning stove, plus also produce excessive amounts of smoke.

Do you deliver logs in South Wales?

We deliver our logs / firewood right across all of South Wales.

Are you able to deliver a large quantity in one go?

Yes, simply give us a ring, and we can deliver our logs within South Wales.

Do you sell hardwood logs?

Yes, we also sell hardwood logs.

Do you deliver only in the winter months?

We deliver right throughout the winter and summer.


Would you like to purchase our logs today?

If you would like to purchase our firewood, then we can deliver anywhere in South Wales, why not arrange a convenient time for us to deliver to your home?