
You might think, well, wood is wood-it can all be burnt, right?

Well, to an extent, because some firewood burns better than others. Some firewood produces intense heat for an extended period; others can create a dull burn or burn so fast it can feel like you’re feeding a locomotive engine with fuel, the amount of time you have to add wood to your wood burner.


So, this begs the question, which firewood is best for burning?

Well, different firewood companies will answer the question differently. However, the best firewood for burning is ash and oak logs. We shall explain why in greater detail within this article.



Ashwood produces an unbelievable amount of heat. When the wood burns, the ambers glow so hot that they can look like hot coal. Therefore, this type of wood is ideally suited for burning in wood-burning stoves and open fires.

However, as with all wood you burn at home, it should be seasoned or put in a kiln. The moisture content needs to be low so the wood can be burnt and produce the maximum heat.



Another prevalent type of firewood is beech, which produces fantastic heat and burns for an extended period. This firewood is excellent for open fires and wood-burning stoves.



Now, oak is very dense, heavy, and excellent firewood. Homeowners often request oak firewood for burning simply because it’s very thick. Therefore, it burns for such a long period that the customer doesn’t need to keep adding wood as often when compared to, say, a type of softwood log.


Ready to burn

What is essential, regardless of which type of firewood you buy, is that it is “ready to burn”— the moisture content needs to be significantly reduced through seasoning or kiln-drying. Here at Forestry Firewood Ltd, we prefer to kiln-dry the wood; we then use a moisture meter on every batch of firewood we produce to ensure that every batch of logs we make is ready to burn.


Large quantities available at affordable prices

Regardless of which type of firewood you buy, you will want ample logs to burn. Here, we offer Forestry

Firewood large quantities of firewood at very affordable and competitive prices.

Plus, our vans are busy delivering firewood throughout the year. Businesses such as wood-fired pizza companies need a regular supply of firewood. Plus, many homeowners have firepits even during the summer. Therefore, if you are looking for a local firewood supplier that can deliver throughout the year, contact us, as we have many logs for sale.


We own our kiln

Some firewood companies are simply resellers of firewood produced by another business. Therefore, they may be unable to dry their own wood in a kiln, making it much harder to ensure that the customer gets a consistent supply of ready-to-burn logs.

Our company is very different in this regard. We have built our large kiln on our farm. The kiln is made to dry various logs of multiple lengths. This ensures that all logs delivered to our customers are ready to burn.


Why not call today?

If you would like to arrange for us to deliver our very high-quality logs to you, then why not call us?

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