Winter is fast approaching, therefore, homeowners up and down the country are looking to stock up on their firewood. Many homeowners, now have log stores, that are sufficient for stocking and enough firewood to last several weeks.

Therefore, if you are looking for, a supplier of firewood locally, then why look any further than Forestry Firewood Ltd. If you are looking for firewood the sale near you, and you live within the city of Cardiff or alternatively you live in the city of Newport, we can supply you with quality logs.


Why purchase your logs/firewood from us?


We ensure that all of the firewood that we sell, is absolutely top quality- how do we ensure this? Well, every single batch that comes out of the kiln, is checked with a moisture meter, to see how much moisture is within the logs. As we drive so many different types of logs every week, ranging from cherry wood, through to oak, each batch will require drying for different lengths of time, depending on whether the wood is softwood or whether it’s hardwood.

If the logs are too wet, in that there is too much moisture contained within the logs, then they simply get put back into the kiln for a longer period of time, to ensure that the wood is drier.

We also use a biomass boiler, that’s powered by wood shavings and sawdust, so none of our wood ever goes to waste, because it either sold to the customer in the form of kiln dried logs, or the waste, that is wood shavings simply go back into the biomass boiler, to help dry the logs within the kiln.

We simply sell top quality logs, which have been kiln dried for a long period of time, and therefore they are ready for putting straight into your wood-burning stove, or burning in an open fire within your home.


How much do your logs cost?


This does depend on whether you require softwood or hardwood, our prices are always available on our prices page on our website.

Do you deliver logs locally?


Yes, we do, we have a tipper van, that is we have a tipper Ford transit van, that we use to deliver our kiln dried logs locally. Each week we drive to the Vale of Glamorgan, so for example we could be delivering one day throughout Cowbridge.

On another day, we could be delivering our logs throughout Newport, that’s where we are based, we are based on a farm within Newport.

On another day we could be delivering our kiln dried logs, right throughout the city of Cardiff, that in South Wales.


Do you deliver in the summer as well?


We most certainly do, our delivery vans, that is our Ford transit vans, are busy delivering our firewood right throughout the year.
So, whether you require, a huge amount of firewood to be delivered, because you wish to use it’s over the Christmas period in December, or you require a large amount of firewood to heat your woodfired hot tub in the winter, we are the company to call. We deliver firewood right throughout the year, you can also collect firewood from our farm in Newport as well, right throughout the year.


Local firewood suppliers


If you are looking for a local firewood supplier, then why not call us? You can collect from us; we can deliver to you. Some of our customers, want us to deliver would on a monthly basis, and we can arrange that with you, perhaps you would like firewood delivered within the first week of every month. This will ensure that you have an ample supply of firewood, we can deliver both hardwood as well is softwood firewood, we offer some of the most competitive prices, and every single batch of our firewood is checked, to ensure that it has been dried, and the moisture level is low. This means that when you burn our firewood, it burns brilliantly.


Would you like firewood delivered?


If you would like to arrange, for our firewood to be delivered to your house then why not call us?

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