
A lot of people are now using their wood burners a lot more often than usual, this might be because of the rise in energy prices, or that you just like to have a real fire within home.

With that said, a lot of homeowners want to know that they have an ample amount of firewood stacked within their log store that’s ready to burn. That’s so their log store doesn’t run empty, when the weather might turn particularly cold.

Therefore, some customers ask us to regularly deliver firewood on a repeat basis, some ask us to deliver say once every month for example. Even during the warmer weather, some people use logs for an outdoor fire pit, pizza oven, or to heat a wood fired hot tub.


Keep your wood store topped up

For some homeowners the main way that they heat their property is by using their wood-burning stoves.

Therefore, these homeowners will want to keep their wood stores topped up especially during the colder months like December. We can help you with this, by regularly delivering firewood, say once a month?

Perhaps you live in a rural part of Newport? And you live in a farmhouse, you might need for example a large amount of firewood to heat the property? We can deliver a large amount of via wood for you, we have tipper vans, which can bring a large quantity and tip into on your driveway for you.

We can therefore deliver quality kiln dried firewood to your home on a regular basis.

We offer many different types of hardwoods you to choose from, so if you would like to set up a regular delivery of our firewood then why not give us a ring?


Kiln dried and ready to burn

Sometimes when you purchase fire wood, it might not have been seasoned for a long period of time or been through a kiln drying process, this wood is therefore referred to as “wet wood”, and is not suitable for burning.

We bake our firewood in our own kiln

Our firewood is completely different, that’s because we bake it in our own kiln, this means that put the logs into a large kiln, and bake it at a high temperature so that the moisture content of the logs becomes greatly reduced.

The wood is therefore ready then for burning as soon as its delivered to you, you don’t need to season the wood at all.  

The firewood  can be burned for example straightaway in wood-burning stoves, in open fires, it is also sometimes used in gardens in fire pits for example.

Wet wood on the other hand could damage your wood burning stove, and your chimney, by causing too much soot.

Also, another sign that the wood is wet is that it does not ignite too easily, for example perhaps sometimes a lot of firelighters are used, to try and get the fire going. but the wood does still not ignite. This is a sign of wet wood, and it can damage your chimney and wood-burning stove so you should not use this type of wood.

Instead what you need is logs which are high quality, which are kiln dried or  seasoned for the right period of time.

All of our logs are kiln dried to they are ready to burn.


Affordable prices

We charge affordable prices for our logs, that’s because we want to secure repeat business from our customers. Once our customers have burnt the firewood, they will see that we sell quality logs, that produce great amounts of heat, plus we offer affordable prices.

This allows some of our customers to buy in larger quantities of wood, so our logs offer excellent value for money.


Delivered to your home

We can deliver the firewood directly to your home, we do this by tipping the loose logs onto a van.

The van is a tipper van, so we can simply tip the loose logs on to say your driveway outside your property.

This will save you from having to buy small quantities of logs in net bags, say from a local fuel station that you may have been purchasing from before.

Our customers therefore buy logs from us because we can deliver a large quantity to their home, we offer very affordable firewood which can be delivered to your home.

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